Chapter 1
1. Linguistic Anthropology
2. The biological basis of life: The Cell, DNA structure and replication, Protein Synthesis,
Gene, Mutation, Chromosomes, and Cell Division.
3. Principles of Prehistoric Archaeology. Chronology: Relative and Absolute Dating
Chapter 3
1. Globalization and indigenous economic systems
Chapter 7
1. Culture, language and communication: Nature, origin and characteristics of language;
verbal and nonverbal communication; social context of language use.
Chapter 9
1. Epidemiological Anthropology: Health and disease. Infectious and noninfectious
diseases. Nutritional deficiency related diseases
Chapter 1
1.1 Palaeo – anthropological evidences from India with special reference to Siwaliks and
Narmada basin (Ramapithecus, Sivapithecus and Narmada Man).
1.2 Ethnoarchaeology in India: The concept of ethnoarchaeology; Survivals and Parallels
among the hunting, foraging, fishing, pastoral and peasant communities including arts
and crafts producing communities.
Chapter 5
1. Panchayati Raj and Social Change
2. Media and Social Change
Chapter I
1. Principles of systematic and taxonomy
2. Major primate taxa
3. Tertiary and quaternary fossil primates
4. Systematics of Hominoidea and Hominidae,
5. Origin and evolution of man‐ Homo erectus and Homo sapiens
6. Prepleistocene fossil primates – Oeropithecus
Chapter III
1. Study of culture, patterns and processes.
2. Patterns of culture
3. Concept of Social Change and Culture Change
4. Social Structure and social organization
5. Role analysis and social network
Chapter IV
1. Myths and rituals; Definitions and approaches to their study – structural, functional and
2. Relation with economic and political structures
Chapter V
1. Approaches of Dalton, Karl Polyani and Marx approach and New Economic Anthropology
2. Theoretical foundations of Political Anthropology
Chapter VI (Entire chapter is deleted)
1. Concepts of developmental Anthropological perspective. Models of development.
Critiques of classical developmental theories. Concepts of planning and planned
development. Concept of participatory development, Culture ecology and sustained
development. Displacement and rehabilitation.
Chapter VII
1. Concept of research in anthropology, subjectivity and reflexivity in terms of gender,
class, ideology and ethics
2. Nature and explanation in anthropological research
3. Positivistic and nonpositivistic approaches
4. Comparative methods: Nature, purpose and methods of comparison in social and
cultural anthropology
Chapter VIII
1. Concept, scope and major branches of human genetics. Its relationship with other
branches of science and medicine
2. Twin study methodzygosity, heritability estimates, present status of the twin study
method and its applications. (Only redundancy removed. Its part of methods for genetic
study of man)
3. Statistical and probability methods for study of human genetics
4. Ethnic groups of mankindcharacteristics and distribution in word, racial classification
of human groups. Principal living peoples of world. Their distribution and
5. Impact of smoking air pollutions, alcoholism, drugs and occupational hazards on health.
6. Ecological Anthropology – Social and Cultural Deterministic Theories – A Critique
Chapter X (Entire chapter is deleted)
1. Relevance in understanding of contemporary society. Dynamics of ethnicity at rural,
tribal urban and international levels. Ethnic conflicts and political developments.
Concept of ethnic boundaries. Ethnicity and concept of nation state.
Chapter XI
1. Reproductive biology, demography and population study
2. Reproductive physiology of male and female
3. Demographic methods – census, registration system, sample methods, dual reporting
4. Population structures and population dynamics
5. Demographic rates and ratios, life table – structure and utility
6. Methods of studying population growth
7. Biological consequences of population control and family welfare
Chapter XIII
1. Anthropogenetics in medicine
2. Application of statistical principles in human genetics and physical anthropology
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thank you for the analysis
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