Monday, June 23, 2008

Help you in preparation

It is extremely important for all aspirants to know exactly the rigour this exam needs. Many people start without understanding its true scope and drop out half through feeling demoralized. So please do visit IAS officers, coaching institutes, etc. to understand the demands this exam will make on you intellectually, on your personal life. This will make you mentally prepared for the arduous journey.

One does NOT have to study 12 hours a day for this exam. It is not about the number of hours you sit to study, but the discipline and concentration with which you study over a long stretch of time - about 1and ½ to 2 years - even if it is only 6-8 hours a day.

Confidence in one's ability to tackle this exam is very important.


Answer writing practice. There is absolutely nothing which is more important than this. Please don't feel shy or lazy about your answer-writing. In optional subjects, UPSC is not interested in how much knowledge you can put in your answers but how well you can use even limited knowledge to answer the question pointedly and accurately without beating about the bush. Please bear no illusions about this. However, GS is a bit more knowledge oriented, but within the word limit., for sociology answer writing practice will enable to finish all your papers well in time. Practicing previous years' questions is equally important for Prelims.

Learn all the points in all the subjects very well. Particularly in GS because there is no time in the exam hall to stop and think. It should just flow out of you. So, all the points must be on one's finger tips.

Read the syllabus very carefully and while preparing for anthropology and Pub Ad, make sure that every sub topic has been studied well.

From this year onwards selective studying has been made dangerous because various sections are being mixed up. So I suggest that one should not gamble and should prepare each and every topic and sub topic well.

Be disciplined about study hours. I sincerely believe that civil services exam is fundamentally about discipline and mental strength to doggedly trod one path for about 2 years.

Stay positive. Negative thoughts, actions and energy will sap all one's strength. It is imperative to stay positive at all times.

Finally, understand that this exam is not a Do or Die situation. One must have remarkable drive and motivation, but one must never put oneself under the pressure that they have to clear the exam and that there is no other way. It is important to realize that luck is an important factor.